Introducing the MENU available for YOU


Here is my feedback

to  a video about “the meaning of life” (in German) of the founder of “Member Wunder/wonder”; the platform I am using here. My feedback is relevant, because that video comes from the top level of OPTION I. Here I point to the B4-relationship truth necessary for  your B2-breakthrough to your B3-path on which YOU CAN fulfill your OPTION II:

The meaning of life is not the general OPTION I of others, the WE; it is the fulfillment of your OPTION II for which YOU have been created! Since 1979 I have been working out the basis for understanding OPTION II for every human system (individual, relationships, teams, culture). So here on the appropriately parameterized “member wonder” platform, I coach you to your  life-practical access to your OPTION II parameters:

In the FREE Course

Your OPTION II” you can rather learn to experience the benefit of the required terminology#3 to experience your OPTION II rather than philosophizing about “life” in general. Life is individual, to understand your options for yours, requires Applied Personal Science, the ignored stumbling block of

  • OPTION Iso if you already stumble over colors and unknown symbols here, you know that you have too many OPTION I hypes in your mind to learn something beyond the MATRIX of the dictatorship of %1-political correctness, which is concerned with the MATRIX to keep the next generation under it, with its self-destructive stumbling blocks.
  • OPTION II on the other hand is concerned with the individual corner stones of the personally relevant#3 meaning of every open-minded person for his or relevant open-ended generative parameters.

In contrast, the OPTION I MATRIX consists of merely malicious zeitgeist principle to condition people. However human life begins for a baby being o-open for what his or her life entails, towards a growing awareness of the e-end of GivingMeaning in touch with the consequences of thus g-generating one’s life, rather than have it packaged in person-neutral#2 words of the MATRIX; as you can learn, that consists of PRE-TRANS-TRAPs required for digitalization.

Who thus digitalizes life, divides his or her self and life and others for the purpose of OPTION I rule. For the energy available to shape matter, you have at first the space allowed in the MATRIX. Beyond it there is a H2-life-fulfilling superior order your OPTION II requires you to understand to become soul-fit. Otherwise just playing with your life-energy, such as ultimately managers did with nuclear energy, it, itself becomes a curse in time, instead of when understood, a blessing.

Anyone who denies this serves the maliciously permanently self-destructive default dynamics of the disordering ZG-zeitgeist. Even if you call that “God“, you have only the choice between the insubstantial OPTION I and your OPTION II. The former with the respective self-destruction dynamic, the latter, with the relationship truth of your substantial X-being to be fulfilled, as you will learn, a-consciously guiding your I-concepts you apply – hopefully before the point of no return…

The course mentioned above is about the precondition for your soul fitness as a prerequisite for fulfilling your tasks on a B5-lifefulfilling B3-path. Merely displaying tolerance for everything points to ignorance of the consequences of putting OPTION I on top of OPTION II, anything goes without a-conscience, in the arrogance of trying to outsmart the H2-oegp-superior order your OPTION II to be fulfilled.  The one-track mass-attractivity minded p-intellect, abhors understanding anything superior to its wordy idolatry. However, if you have read so far, you are not totally under its mental viruses’ curse!

Let it be known,

only what people understand about their OPTION II and that of others, really allows to love each other. Everything else is ?0-illusionary over-conviction up to *3-rape. Only “sheople” need OPTION I %1-guidance because of their lack of getting the meaning of their inner a-guidance.

I am not “people”, nor “human” and not a seemingly self-chosen “role”.

I am my OPTION II – specifically, I fulfill the 9Pp oegp. You can learn what the means. Here I point to the fact, that you and everyone else with good will can get access to learn how to understand; you what your lifefulfillment entails. That is what all the some 100 billion people who ever lived, have begun at birth trying to get. However, so far most of them tried in vain, ending unfulfilled under OPTION I. Today that no longer requires even a life time. It begins with the MENU made available. So you can learn to

  1. read the menu getting acquainted with the terminology#3 required to do justice to your OPTION II too, just as Isaac Newton had to introduce the relevant mathematics which allows to understand physics, realizing that wordy arguing with hidden agendas can never get there.  Having then read to
  2. understand your menu, you can
  3. order what you want to give meaning to, then
  4. eat” that, digesting what helps you to deal with the consequences. Although you do not earn money with
  5. learning about your conscience; it does not build a house, or earn you attention, but it
  6. makes you practice to remain soul fit to
  7. generate what your OPTION II can concretize in the flow of lifefulfillment,
  8. beyond what the “many” say and mean you should…
